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《華人宗教研究》Studies in Chinese Religions

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Ethnography and Manuscripts: New Approaches to the Study of Yao Religion|David A. Palmer




《老撾藍靛瑤文庫》:探討文本收集、編目、分類和評估的方法與相關問|郭慧雯、周思博(Joseba Estévez)、安蔚、孫嘉玥、宗樹人(David A. Palmer)

藍靛瑤手抄本:儀式知識傳承中的法器|周思伯(Joseba Estévez)



The Peach Spring Grotto in Yao Daoism: The Ritual of “Repaying a Debt to the Supreme Parents of Flowers” in Mien Society of Guangxi, China|Chen, Meiwen(陳玫妏)



郭慧雯(香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系博士生);周思博(Joseba Estévez, 明斯特大學民族學研究所博士生、香港大學香港人文社會研究所高級研究助理);安蔚(香港大學香港人文社會研究所高級研究助理);孫嘉玥(香港大學香港人文社會研究所碩士生);宗樹人(David A. Palmer, 香港大學香港人文社會研究所及社會學系教授)


  老撾北部藍靛瑤族(自稱「Mun」)的儀式傳統具有鮮明的道教結構和特徵。自2015 年至2020 年,在大英圖書館「瀕危檔案計劃」和香港研究資助局的支持下,周思博(Joseba Estévez)將收集而來的2120 冊藍靛瑤手抄本在當地進行了數位化處理,並整理成為「藍靛瑤文本遺產數位圖書館」(Digital Library of the Lanten Textual Heritage),這些手抄本大部分是老撾北部琅南塔省的藍靛瑤儀式專家所使用的文本。本文全面介紹老撾藍靛瑤文庫的基本特徵,以及本團隊在文本編目和分類時遇到的問題。除此之外,還討論了創建「參考文庫」(Reference Collection)的評估標準,即如何從這一龐大的文庫中篩選出少量獨特且具有代表性的最佳文本,特別強調了民族誌与文獻研究的平行研究方法對理解文庫結構的重要性。


The Textual Corpus of the Lanten Yao of Laos:Methodological Issues in the Collection, Cataloguing, Classification and Evaluation of Manuscripts

Guo Hui-wen (Ph.D. student, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Joseba Estévez (Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Ethnology, Münster University; Senior Research Assistant, HKIHSS, The University of Hong Kong), An Wei (Senior Research Assistant, HKIHSS, The University of Hong Kong), Sun Jia-yue (MPhil Candidate, HKIHSS, The University of Hong Kong), David A. Palmer (Professor, HKIHSS and Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong)


   The ritual tradition of the Lanten Yao (Mun) of northern Laos exhibits marked Daoist structures and features. From 2015–2020, with grants from the British Library Endangered Archives Programme and the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, our research team member Joseba Estévez conducted on-site digitization of a corpus of 2120 texts, consisting of most of the manuscripts in use by the Lanten ritual specialists in Luang Namtha Province, northern Laos. This article presents some of the basic characteristics of this corpus, as well as some of the issues involved in cataloguing and classifying the manuscripts. We discuss the criteria used to select, out of the corpus, a “Reference Collection” of the best versions of a set of unique and representative texts, and highlight the benefits of a parallel textual and ethnographic methodology for understanding the structure of the corpus.

Keywords: Laos, Lanten Yao, Daoism, manuscripts, digital library



周思伯(Joseba Estévez)





  藍靛瑤,又稱佬會(Lao Huay)或瑤門(Yao Mun),分佈於東南亞大陸高地。上至十四世紀的中國朝代更迭,下至二十世紀中葉的印度支那戰爭,歷史上的藍靛瑤人不斷受到各種衝突與邊緣化的影響,許多人被迫離開故土,長途跋涉,從中國遷至越南、老撾等地。雖然歷經滄桑與磨難,但藍靛瑤社會卻展現出了極強的適應力,這得益於他們的信仰系統,其中又以當地的儀式專家與道教手抄本最為重要。本文旨在展示並分析這些手抄本的社會與歷史背景、製作與傳承方式、及其在當下的儀式用途,其中一些手抄本的歷史可以追溯到十八世紀。此外,本文還將介紹作者在老撾北部開展的「瀕危檔案計劃」ndangered Archives Programme)下的EAP791 和EAP1126 項目,這兩個項目收集了一批藍靛瑤手抄本並將之數位化,本文將介紹其成果。


Lanten Manuscripts: Ritual Objects in the Transmission of Ritual Knowledge

Joseba Estévez

PhD Candidate, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (the University of Münster) and Senior Research Assistant, University of Hong Kong


 The Lanten, a population also known as Lao Huay or Yao Mun, living in the highlands of continental Southeast Asia, have been exposed for centuries to conflicts and processes of marginalization, ranging from clashes with various Chinese dynasties from the 14th century onwards to their involvement in the Indochina Wars from the 1950s to the 1970s. These forced them to undertake long migrations that brought them from their native land in China to Vietnam and Laos. In the face of these vicissitudes, Lanten society has displayed extraordinary resilience. In this respect, the Lanten belief system and particularly the roles performed by Lanten ritual experts and their Daoist manuscripts are of essential importance. This article aims to present and analyze the socio-historical background of these manuscripts, some of them dating back to the 18th century, their means of production and transmission, and their current ritual use. Furthermore, it introduces the projects in northern Laos that aim to digitalize a selection of Lanten manuscripts, namely, the Endangered Archives Programme EAP791 and EAP1126.

Keywords: Landian Yao, Yao Daoism, manuscripts, Laos, Luang Namtha  








The Daoist Lingbao Ritual Framework amongthe Lanten Yao of Luang Namtha, Laos:The Texts of the Attack on Hell Ritual

Martin M.H. Tse

PhD candidate, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong


  The Lanten Yao people living in the northwest part of the country of Laos are still conducting rituals based on manuscripts written in Chinese, where religious symbols and practices can be explicitly identified with a particular kind of Daoist liturgical framework, namely the Lingbao Yellow Register Retreat (Huanglu zhai 黃籙齋). And yet, the application of the Daoist ritual logic and structure among the Lanten Yao is not a direct duplication of the Lingbao liturgies, but a flexible,innovative enactment of the ritual framework which consists of distinguishing Lanten Yao characteristics. This article analyses the texts of the “Attack on Hell” ritual among the Lanten Yao and highlights the differences between the Lanten Yao texts and the ritual texts of the Lingbao Yellow Register Retreat canonized in the Southern Song dynasty, in order to discuss (1) the relationship between the religion of Daoism and the Lanten Yao people; (2) how the rituals scripted in the texts give social meaning to the Lanten Yao community; and (3) the imagination of “otherness” embedded in the ritual texts. The findings in this case may help researchers explore the relationship between Daoist ritual systems and the ethnic groups at the periphery of an empire.

Keywords: Lanten Yao, Daoism, ritual manuscripts, Lingbao liturgies, Attack on Hell








A Study on the Visual Culture of Yao Rites to Facilitate Parturition: With Discussions on their Formation and Features Rites

Wu, Chia-Yun

Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Sinology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


  This paper takes the Iu-Mien (a language branch of the Yao ethnic group) rites to facilitate parturition recorded in their religious manuscripts as a starting point to examine, with an emphasis on their religious visual characteristics, the core concepts, meaning, and formation process of Yao rites. Elements of the Iu-Mien rites to facilitate parturition can be divided according to their form–spells, talismans, and talismanic charts–which all must be incorporated into the ritual process and accompanied by the requisite visualizations. This reveals the significance of visual culture in Iu-Mien religion. The key to this ritual visualization, I argue, is homeopathic magic; that is, the ritual specialists (shigong 師公), through imitative association, harness the corresponding power of the imitated object for the spells, talismans, and talismanic charts, thereby bringing about a mutual correspondence in kind. In examining the visual culture of the Iu-Mien rites to facilitate parturition, I find two key factors behind their formation: the subjectivity of shigong and the influence of local beliefs. The shigong have added concrete images to the talismanic charts and transformed the original meaning of the Daoist diagrams, creating new graphic elements within the talismanic charts. In this process, a shigong’s personal interpretation and selection play a significant role. Furthermore, when an Iu-Mien religious community encounters “others,” the shigong integrate outside rites and talismanic charts into their practices through selection, hybridization, and recreation to respond to the challenges and impact of external religions. Yao villages in Guangxi廣西 and Yao communities in Southeast Asia employ identical ritual structures, but the content of the talismanic charts used in the rites to facilitate parturition have been slightly altered. The frequent migration and vast geographical distribution of the Iu-Mien has allowed them to more easily come into contact with different beliefs and customs, which are then absorbed into their own religious system. Thus, Yao rites in different areas exhibit regional differences.

Keywords: Yao rites to facilitate parturition, Iu-Mien 勉瑤, religious visual culture, homoeopathic magic, regional ifferences


The Peach Spring Grotto in Yao Daoism: The Ritual of “Repaying a Debt to the Supreme Parents of Flowers” in Mien Society of Guangxi, China

Chen, Meiwen

Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University Taiwan


  This paper analyzes the flower beliefs of the Mien 勉瑤 in Guangxi 廣西,China and the ritual of “Repaying a Debt to the Supreme Parents of Flowers” (Tianpei huahuang 填賠花皇) for healing ill children. It explores themes, such as the flower soul, the Peach Spring Grotto (Taoyuandong 桃源洞), and female fertility, which are related to the Lüshan 閭山 School in Yao Daoism prevalent in southern China. In Mien beliefs, a complete human is comprised of physical, spiritual, and social aspects. The spiritual is the souls, represented as a flower, which was bestowed by the Supreme Parents of Flowers who supervise the Peach Spring Grotto. If a child is sick or has behavioral problems before puberty, it is usually regarded as related to having lost their flower souls. Therefore, the goal of the ritual “Repaying a Debt to the Supreme Parents of Flowers” is not only to compensate the Supreme Parents of Flowers, but also to redeem the lost souls from the underworld. In the Mien religious landscape, whether a spirit is regarded as a god or a ghost depends on where they dwell. The Supreme Parents of Flowers dwell in the Peach Spring Grotto and are not worshipped at the household altar, and therefore their nature is more that of a ghost than a god. However, they have the spiritual power to nurture and bestow flower souls, therefore their relationship with a Mien household is that of a “creditor” and “debtor.” The flower souls thus become part of the exchange between the yin/yang realms and of the interactions between inner/outer. The analysis of the ritual also shows that Mien have fully adopted the Daoist liturgical structure in their rituals related to the flower beliefs.

Keywords: Yao Daoism, Mien, flower beliefs, Peach Spring Grotto, Lüshan School








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