道法整合的藍圖:《太上天壇玉格》研究 |張超然
「信道不信佛」:浙南文成畬族道教科儀文獻初探 |林振源
狐仙傳說與香港狐仙信仰初探 |陳康言
《天壇玉格》作為明清時期正一道教傳度、授籙時所依據的指導手冊,已為學界所知。目前已經披露的多種不同傳世版本雖然內容未必一致,但所關注的面向卻頗相近,其中反映了不同時期龍虎山宗壇對於地方驅邪法術(教內稱為「道法」)的整合嘗試。元代《道法會元》收錄的《太上天壇玉格》是目前可見這類著作的最早版本之一,其中更多可見的是宋元新興道法之間的整合,但也可以發現龍虎山正一宗壇開始介入這樣的整合運動。本文即以《太上天壇玉格》作為研究對象,分析其中道法「整合」的諸多嘗試,以及此一版本所呈現的道法「藍圖」,包括:1) 南宋乃至元代道法整合的嘗試、具體的規劃以及可能的發展過程;2) 龍虎山正一宗壇介入此一整合的嘗試、方法及其可能遭遇的困難;以及3) 宋元道法整合之後可能呈顯的道教新樣態?
A Blueprint for the Integration of Dao 道 and Fa 法: A Study of the Jade Protocols of the Celestial Altar of the Most High
Chang Chaojan
Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies Fu Jen Catholic University
The Jade Protocols of the Celestial Altar (Tiantan yuge 天壇玉格), a guidebook for Orthodox Unity (Zhengyi 正一) Daoist ordination and the transmission of registers during the Ming and Qing periods, is well-known by scholars. For the various editions that once circulated and have since been discovered, though their content is not necessarily identical, the focus of their concern is quite similar. The editions reflect attempts at different time periods to integrate local exorcistic rituals (fashu 法術 or Daofa 道法) with the “ancestral altar” (zongtan 宗壇) at Mount Longhu 龍虎山. The Taishang tiantan yuge 太上天壇玉格, preserved in the Yuan dynasty ritual compendium Dao and Fa United in the Origin (Daofa huiyuan 道法會元), is one of the earliest editions of this kind of work currently available to us. In this work, to a greater extent, we see the integration of the newly emerging exorcistic ritual traditions of the Song and Yuan, but we also discover the Mount Longhu Zhengyi Daoists’ beginning involvement in the movement to integrate local ritual practices. This paper focuses on the Taishang tiantan yuge, analyzing its numerous attempts to integrate exorcistic rituals, as well as the blueprint for their unification that appears in the edition. In doing so, the paper addresses the following issues: 1) the integration of exorcistic rituals from the Southern Song to the Yuan, the concrete details of the plan to accomplish this, and the potential course of these developments; 2) the beginning involvement of Mount Longhu Zhengyi Daoists in the process of integration, the methods they employed, and the possible difficulties they encountered; 3) the appearance of new forms of Daoism that potentially emerged after the integration of exorcistic rituals in the Song and Yuan.
Keywords: Daoism, ritual master (fashi 法師), transmission, Jade Protocols of the Celestial Altar (Tiantan yuge 天壇玉格), Divine Empyrean (Shenxiao神霄)
Boundary Crosser: A Brief Discussion of Zeng Jinglai 曾景來, Key Figure in the History of Buddhism in Taiwan
Shyh-wei Li
Professor, Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies National Dong Hwa University
Zeng Jinglai was one of few significant figures in Taiwan who received a modern Buddhist higher education during the Japanese occupation period and into the early post-war period. With his deep learning and cultivation of Buddhism, abundant life experiences, and skill in responding to social circumstances, he was able to play the role of a “boundary crosser” in the history of Taiwanese Buddhism. The term “boundary crosser” used in this article refers to several aspects: 1) era and nationality: Chinese Buddhism vs. Japanese Buddhism; 2) his identity as a religious master: master of monks vs. laymen; 3) beliefs and attitudes: orthodox beliefs vs. superstition; 4) activities and operations: innovation vs conservatism. Zeng Jinglai has become a representative “boundary crosser” in the history of Buddhism in Taiwan. His life and experiences can be examined from two perspectives: personal conditions and religious environment. With regard to the former, Zeng Jinglai received a Japanese Buddhist education in his youth, gradually became a Taiwanese native elite Buddhist figure, and cooperated with the Japanese authorities to promote religious reforms. In his middle ages, he also played the role of a local Buddhist elite and cooperated with the national government to carry out the "Sinicization" project of Buddhism. The latter perspective acknowledges that Taiwan's religious environment has always had highly permeable boundaries. Whether it was Buddhism, popular sects, or folk beliefs and practices, mutual interactions and connections between religious groups were already the norm among the populace during Zeng’s life. These conditions offered a natural environment to foster Zeng Jinglai’s “boundary crossing.”
Keywords: Zeng Jinglai 曾景來, cross border, Dongjing Temple 東淨寺, history of Buddhism in Taiwan, folk beliefs
Godliness and Play—The Living Spiritual Practices ofŃg Tsiau-bîng in Linpien Township of Pingtung
Wang Ching-Ling
Professor, Department of Religious Culture and Information Management, Aletheia University
Ńg Tsiau-bîng (1933–2019) devoted his whole life to the spiritual practice and promotion of organ hymns, a reflection of the Presbyterian Church’s unique and new spiritual culture prevalent from the mid 20th century to the early 21st century, when Taiwanese society was transitioning away from Japanese colonial rule and the national government was under the impact of the US and Great Britain. Ńg Tsiaubîng was influenced by the Christian traditions established by early Presbyterian missionaries. Through his organ hymnal performances, pious and filled with poetic sentiment, which demonstrated his own unique individual focus, and a religious spirit of selfless service, he embodied Christian spiritual aesthetics in Pingtung’s Linpien Township. I have termed Ńg Tsiau-bîng’s attitude towards faith, one defined by wholehearted concentration, yet also romanticism and leisurely play even in the face of suffering and setback, “living spiritual practices of godliness and play.” Ńg Tsiau-bîng, through the use of his own limited financial resources and his personal faith testimonies, which he joined with a humanistic care for grassroots elites, forged the religious reform principle of “universal priesthood,” one quite different from the faith practices of Christian Protestant systems. In a changing modern Taiwanese society, this represented a form of lay worship and a characteristic of spirituality,first established by early western missionaries, which would soon fade away in the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.
Keywords: Presbyterian Church, Ńg Tsiau-bîng (Ruan Zhaoming 阮昭明), organ hymns, spiritual practices, aesthetics
“We Believe in Daoism, Not Buddhism”:
A Preliminary Investigation of the Daoist Liturgical Manuscripts of the She 畬 Ethnic Group of Wencheng 文成, Southern Zhejiang 浙江
Lin, Chen-Yuan
Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious, National Chengchi University
This article aims to analyze and compare eight Daoist liturgical manuscripts of the She 畬 ethnic group in Wencheng County 文成縣 in southern Zhejiang 浙江, all transcribed during the reign of the Qianlong 乾隆 Emperor (r. 1735–1796). In doing so, it addresses the content of the rituals, the origins of their exorcist methods, the transmission lineages, and the similarities and differences with various local ritual traditions. The article offers a preliminary explanation of the basic conditions and characteristics of these manuscripts, as well as an account of the classification system of different local ritual traditions that include mixtures and interactions between Tiantai Lingbao 天台靈寶 (Numinous Treasure of the Celestial Platform), Tianxin zhengfa 天心正法 (Orthodox Methods of the Celestial Heart), Lüshan 閭山(Exorcist Rituals of Mount Lü), and Shijiao 釋教 (Popular Buddhism).
Keywords: She 畲 Ethnic Group, Daoist liturgical manuscripts, ritual classification, Tiantai Lingbao 天台靈寶 (Numinous Treasure of the Celestial Platform), Tianxin zhengfa 天心正法 (Orthodox Methods of the Celestial Heart)
狐仙信仰在中國有著源遠流長的歷史,亦是一種流行於百姓階層中的民間信仰。早在先秦時期,狐已帶有道德上的意義。自唐代以來,狐一直為華北地區的一種古老民間信仰,古人相信老狐可以修道成為神仙助人,亦可以成為妖精祟人,這反映了狐仙的兩義性。此信仰雖然植根在中國北方,但亦出現在華南地區的香港。在現今都市化的發展下,狐仙信仰已呈現出一幅獨特的面貌。在今日香港,華人為社會上的大多數,相關的民間信仰神祇為數甚多,狐仙信仰亦為其中之一。但長久以來,由於中國宗教往往簡單地分為制度性宗教( institutional religion ) 與擴散性宗教(diffused religion),而狐仙信仰則標籤為後者,故相關的研究結果並不豐富。故此,筆者希望藉由此論文,了解狐仙信仰在今日香港社會的情況。本文將會以筆者在香港兩個拜祭狐仙的地點為中心,探討香港狐仙信仰背後的傳說,了解香港狐仙信仰的現況。
A Preliminary Study of Fox Spirit Legends and the Fox Spirit Beliefs in Hong Kong
Donald Hong Yin CHAN
Postdoctoral fellow, The Department of East Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University
Fox sprit beliefs have a longstanding history in China and have been a form of popular religion prevalent among the common populace. Even prior to the Qin 秦 dynasty (221-206 BCE), foxes were attributed with moral significance. Since the Tang 唐 dynasty (618-907), popular religious practices in northern China have included fox spirits. In these ancient times, people believed that old foxes, having cultivated themselves, could transform into either divine transcendents to help people or bewitching sprites to afflict people, thus reflecting their dual nature. Although the fox spirit belief is rooted in northern China, it also emerges in Hong Kong in southern China. Nowadays, having developed under the forces of urbanization, fox spirit beliefs and practices are quite unique in Hong Kong. In present-day Hong Kong, a predominantly Han Chinese society, there are numerous deities associated with popular religious practices, and those related to the fox spirit beliefs are one category among many. However, for some time now, Chinese religions have been divided into two simplistic categories—institutional and diffused religion—with the fox spirit beliefs placed in the latter. It is for this reason that research on the fox spirit beliefs has been somewhat limited, as diffused religion has been perceived as more difficult to study. Therefore, with this article, I aim to expand our understanding of the fox spirit beliefs by exploring its current situation in contemporary Hong Kong society. The article focuses on two sites of fox spirit worship and discusses the legends behind fox spirit beliefs and practices in Hong Kong to better grasp the present state of the cult there.
Keywords: fox spirit beliefs, Hong Kong, fox spirit legends, Hong Kong Daoism, Popular Religion
■ 政治大學華人宗教研究中心發行之《華人宗教研究》學術期刊,每年1月、7月出刊,隨時徵稿,舉凡有關以華人宗教信仰為主題之學術研究論著,誠摯邀請海內外不同領域之宗教研究學者賜稿。稿約及撰稿格式下載:https://goo.gl/PdL2Iq。投稿信箱:cscrtw@gmail.com。
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